About Janki Ravani

I'm Janki Ravani, the founder of this incredible journey towards a happier and richer life.

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my story, why I do what I do and hopefully, inspire you to believe in endless possibilities and effortless living!
I live in Mumbai, with my loving [& crazy] husband, 2 amazing children and super loving supportive in-laws. My parents & sibling live in the same city & we are a close knit family.

I have lived in Mumbai, my entire life!

As the financial capital of India, it is an amazing city of paradoxes – exciting with endless opportunities, and yet boring with everyone living in a rut, there is chaos and hustle bustle and yet an unimaginable sense of peace and calm, there is luxury, abundance and scarcity, living side by side. There is hope, resilience and despair, thriving together. There is colour and clutter, crowds and loneliness… and it is amazing how each is perfectly coexisting and adding depth & character to this beautiful city.

And the reason I point this out is because as I began to explore my inner world, in 2016, I realised that each one of us has all these different contrasting and varied shades, living inside us – in perfect harmony, making us who we are. And our journey in this lifetime, is to discover, forgive, accept & love each of our different shades, because that’s what makes us unique & perfect.
My journey as a happiness coach got seeded while I was on maternity leave in 2016, after my 2nd child was born.

Corporate Life

I had done my MBA in HR and was working for a multinational back then, as the HR Business Partner, responsible for the employees in West India, for one of the largest business lines in the organization. 

I absolutely loved engaging employees, addressing their issues, helping them perform better & finding new ways to make employees happier! I also got recognized for my contributions.

By May, 2016 - I had already been on maternity leave for 5 months, enjoying the madness and beauty of having 2 children – both boys. And I had absolutely no plans at all to change career paths. I was happy & thriving at work. And yet, I remember clearly, that just before my birthday, I woke up one morning with chilling clarity & absolute certainty that this corporate chapter of my life was over and I needed to move on.

Time to change tracks…

I was stumped, extremely confused, and yet a part of me knew this was the perfect way ahead. I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do next because I had never thought of anything beyond HR! I had no hobbies or skills I could turn into a career, I had no family business to join and no talent that would make me famous! And that’s when I remembered, one of the Corporate Trainers, had told us in a Leadership workshop a in 2009 – if you want to find your purpose, do a SWOT for yourself and then wake up every morning and ask yourself – “If I could do absolutely anything, what would I love to do with my life?”

He had asked us to make a list of at least 10 things, every day for 1 month, keep noting the top few things that repeat on most days and told us that eventually something would surface.

My SWOT analysis was the most hilarious [though back then I thought it was pathetic]. I wrote over a dozen weaknesses and only 3 strengths:

And I looked at the list and thought – wow, who on earth would pay me to smile, listen or give hope. Friends & family do that for free!
So I went on to the next part – the daily list-making! I would wake up and make lists [but let me admit – every time I read them I cringed!]. I could see they were desperate attempts at putting 10 things there, but not even 1 remotely lit me up with joy or excitement. There were things like –

And each one seemed like rocket science and boring. I didn’t think I could do any of it. And towards to end of the month, I saw that there was no interesting career option coming through the list… and that’s when I did something radical – I looked up & desperately pleaded to the higher powers, God or the universe, whoever was there & listening I whispered – “Look I have no clue what to do with my life. And I am hoping you have a plan for me, please let me know. What would you have me do? What have you created me for? With such limited skills & strengths, what have you planned for me?”

Stumbling upon my life purpose

I surrendered, because I didn’t have anything else to do. I remember waking up everyday after that and asking the same question to the Universe – what have you created me to do? What is my life purpose? Soon enough, something unbelievable happened.

Just the way I woke up almost a month earlier with the clarity that my corporate chapter was over, I again woke up feeling this beautiful quiet clarity that I was here to ‘heal the world and teach people to be happy.

It felt like I finally found that lost piece of my puzzle & it perfectly fell into place. Even though I had no idea how I was going to do it, I had no psychology or healing background, no one in my family or friend circle I could go to for guidance, I just knew with absolute conviction in every cell in my body – that this was it.

I was here to 
"Heal the world and teach people
to how be truly Happy."

2 Parallel & contrasting Journeys I undertook – One effortless & One filled with resistance.

From there on, I got everything handed to me on a platter. The information about the courses I had to study, the support from my family who agreed to take care of my 6 month old, the finances as I invested in an unknown career, no one in my family had heard of – there were no issues or resistance. And I studied the science of happiness, various therapy & healing modalities & got myself internationally certified, over a period of 10 months.

Within my 1st year of starting House of Happiness, I had given a TEDx talk on the mind body connection, done over 2 dozen talks & workshops with corporates & started creating my own courses. 

Everything was happening in flow and I was being recognized & received everywhere with open arms. I got 2 huge awards, recognizing me as a Global Happiness Leader! I was being invited to give keynote speeches, inaugurate magazines, give interviews for national daily newspapers and more!

And while that journey was easy breezy, there was one parallel journey happening throughout, which was tough and painful, messy and filled with resistance! And that was my inner journey. Facing my scary demons, resolving inner child issues, learning to heal & accept all the shameful, ugly, pathetic parts of me. 

Learning to love myself the way I wished people would love me. Learning to heal the constant inner chatter of I am not good enough, I will never be good enough, I am a screw up, I am no good. And let me admit, while the work was messy, painful, and I wanted to run away from it everytime. I am glad I saw it through, because it was one of the most beautiful & magical journeys I undertook, and continue to do so even today.

The Truth shall set you free..

Each time I was brave enough to face the deepest darkest ugliest parts of me, it set me free, from shame, guilt, disgust and anger at myself. And each time I healed me, I slowly healed my relationships too, with my family, with money, with my health and with God or the Universe. I realised my biggest weaknesses were my biggest & unique strengths and as I unlocked each one, I became a better version of myself.

I was happier & more confident in my own skin now. As opposed to the Janki before – who was a huge people pleaser, afraid to stand up for herself, who was always eager to do anything to avoid a confrontation, gave in too much, lacked any boundaries, whose permanent address was hiding under the blanket & many masks, too fearful of showing her real self, with no distinct identity of her own… and filled with self-hate.

As I healed, the constant stiffness & body aches began to vanish, the migraine type headaches reduced by 90%, the distrust at God & the universe began to change in to complete faith, that someone up there truly has my back. I could now see & feel the love from my husband & parents, which I never felt adequately before, because even though they loved me a lot, because I didn’t love myself, I couldn’t receive it from them.

But what I am most proud & happy about is how I changed as a parent as a result of healing my inner child. As I healed, I dropped dozens of limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs, I stopped the generational trauma & emotional baggage from being passed on to my children. And thanks to that, I am proud to share that I am raising boys who are emotionally aware, equipped to handle difficult emotions they experience themselves and hold space for family & friends when others are going through something tough as well.

As I healed, the constant stiffness & body aches began to vanish, the migraine type headaches reduced by 90%, the distrust at God & the universe began to change in to complete faith, that someone up there truly has my back. I could now see & feel the love from my husband & parents, which I never felt adequately before, because even though they loved me a lot, because I didn’t love myself, I couldn’t receive it from them.

But what I am most proud & happy about is how I changed as a parent as a result of healing my inner child. As I healed, I dropped dozens of limiting, self-sabotaging beliefs, I stopped the generational trauma & emotional baggage from being passed on to my children. And thanks to that, I am proud to share that I am raising boys who are emotionally aware, equipped to handle difficult emotions they experience themselves and hold space for family & friends when others are going through something tough as well.

My life has definitely become richer and glorious, as I explore myself, & grow spiritually through this beautiful human experience. I have many teachers, mentors, coaches & friends to thank. Who inspired me, held space for me on my darkest days and believed in my when I couldn’t see any good in myself. It was their love, compassion & belief that brought me home to myself.
And through my work now, I commit to helping you find your way home, to yourself.

It is the toughest, darkest & yet the most glorious journey you will ever undertake, with a promise that as you shine the light on yourself, with love & compassion, your truth will set you free. I promise to hold space for you, listen to you without judgement, create a safe space for you to shed your masks and learn to love & accept yourself, and eventually recognize the glorious perfect being you already are. I promise to bring you the most powerful & simple tools, that will make your journey fulfilling, easy & fun!
So if you are ready to embark on this journey with me, welcome on board! Let’s get together to uncover & create for you – your own House of Happiness!

At House of Happiness,

We offer coaching, training, and seminars to individuals, groups, and corporate clients across all seven continents. My approach is rooted in a deep understanding of human psychology, coupled with practical tools and techniques that empower individuals to unlock their full potential and create a life of joy, purpose, and fulfillment.


happiness is not just a destination; it's a way of life. And at House of Happiness, we are committed to helping you embrace that way of life and experience the true joy and abundance that awaits you.

Lives Transformed

Since we got started we have impacted thousands of lives 









My core values

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I believe whatever is not efforless to learn and implement is not worth pursurig! I prioritize pursuing endeavors that are effortless to learn and implement. Life should be lived joyfully and gracefully, embracing every moment. All my programs are crafted to seamlessly integrate into effortless practices.


Embracing fun is crucial in our daily lives, as it allows us to laugh at ourselves and celebrate our perfectly imperfect nature. Unfortunately, we have become overly serious and forgotten the importance of having fun. At House of Happiness, we hold Fun as a core value, ensuring that we never miss out on experiencing joy and laughter, no matter the circumstances.


Whether you opt for a short or long course, House of Happiness guarantees that you will receive 100% value for the time you invest. Don't believe it? Explore our resources and experience it firsthand to witness the transformative impact we offer.


Support is essential for personal growth, and we believe it manifests in various stages. Each person is navigating their own challenges while striving for the ultimate goal of a happy life. We are dedicated to being with you throughout this journey, providing unwavering support at every stage. Join our exclusive community and experience our commitment firsthand.

Discover My One On One Session 

"Unlock Happiness: Transform Your Life with Janki Ravani's Exclusive Discovery Call."

"Empower yourself to conquer stress and anxiety while cultivating a happier and richer life. Book a private one-on-one session with renowned international happiness coach, Janki Ravanki."

Unleashing joy, embracing growth - Welcome to House of Happiness. Join our uplifting community and discover the path to a fulfilling and joyful life.



Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

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